Grief YogaĀ® Online Course

Moving into EmpowermentĀ 

Unresolved grief can become stuck in the body

Grief Yoga is a simple and compassionate way to heal and re-engage in the hope and beauty of life

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Release Your Pain

People of all ages, body types. physical conditions and mobility challenges, as well as those who have never tried yoga can benefit from this class.

Break the Cycle of Suffering

As you live and love fully, you experience loss.

Whether through a breakup, divorce, betrayal or death, loss brings grief into your mind and spirit.

Sadness and anger can get stuck in your body.

Through these simple yet powerful yoga techniques, release your suffering and transform the loss into a deeper love and appreciation.


This Exclusive Training Includes:

  • Guided movement to release the pain of grief
  • Exclusive yoga video training to transform grief into fuel for healing
  • Introduction by grief expert David Kessler
  • Guided Visual Meditation - Connecting With Your Loved One
  • Gentle Restorative Class for beginners
  • Moving into Empowerment Class
  • Releasing Struggle, Embracing Peace Class
  • Paul's Story and the Origin of Grief Yoga
  • Access-anytime training site
  • Exclusive access to a healing community
  • Downloadable video classes or stream from any device

Find Peace in the Storm of Grief

Are you stuck in your head and beating yourself up? By cultivating compassion and courage in the present moment, we can honor the loss and regain balance. This restorative connection allows you to move out of your head and open the body in a gentle and nurturing way. Honor the loss and sadness and breathe life into your body. 

Get Unstuck

When we don’t honor the feelings of grief, our life can get stuck. Transform anger and fear into fuel for healing. Find resilience in these simple and powerful tools to calm your anxious mind, process the grief that weighs heavy on your heart, and take a step toward empowerment.

Freedom from Regret

Regrets can be the biggest enemy in healing grief. The "What If's" and "Should Have's" keep us stuck in the past and prevent us from fully living in the present. Learn to release the struggle and create the space to forgive yourself and others. Pulling up the Weeds of Regret will help you take a step toward peace and liberation to allow the flower of love to bloom. 

Path to Happiness

Move through your struggle into more play. It's a fine line between laughter and tears. Movement, laughter and dance allows the body to flow, the mind to open, and the spirit to sing. Learn the art of flow that will release stress to help you to feel lighter. Find your own expression and flow. Cultivate fun to balance out the grief. 

Transform your Grief into Fuel for Healing

Paul Denniston

A student of yoga for 20 years, Paul Denniston is a certified teacher in Hatha Yoga, Vinyasa Flow, Kundalini Yoga, and Laughter Yoga. 

Paul has dedicated himself to studying grief from some of the top leaders in loss, David Kessler, as well as William Worden, Elisabeth Kübler Ross, and Peter Levine.

Paul teaches Grief yoga in one of the largest hospices in Los Angeles. He has also taught at Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health in Massachusetts and will be teaching at Esalen this year. Paul has taught the techniques and exercises of Grief Yoga to over 4000 therapists, counselors and health care professionals to use with their patients in The United States, England, and Australia.


Give Yourself The Gift of Healing

Join us in this healing class as we move through the pain to make room for more love and peace.