$675.00 USD

3 monthly payments

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

I assume responsibility for any risk or injury I may sustain as a result of my participation. It is my personal responsibility to consult my doctor regarding my participation. I do not, and will not, hold Paul Denniston responsible for my physical, emotional and psychological wellbeing. I am advised to work gently, respecting my body’s abilities and limits, and not to perform any movement that is painful. I am agreeing to accept responsibility for my own safety and am waiving my right to bring legal action to assert a claim against Paul Denniston for any reason.

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100-Hour Grief Yoga® Teacher Training



February 14, 2022 – May 9, 2022

We will meet on Mondays and Wednesdays

11 am–1 pm PT / 2-4 pm ET 

Grief Yoga® blends postures, movement, breathwork, and vocalization in ways that help students to process the grief that follows any loss.

This training gives you the tools to teach Grief Yoga while also helping you work with your own grief.

In addition to discovering the Grief Yoga approach to transforming suffering and reconnecting to love, you learn how to

  • Choose appropriate postures, movements, music, and meditations for different Grief Yoga student populations
  • Hold space and guide students through Grief Yoga techniques
  • Design unique classes for relationship losses, divorce, breakups, and death
  • Address the specific needs of grieving clients
  • Tips and techniques to help when feeling triggered or experiencing trauma
  • Transform trauma in safe and empowering ways

Explore different models of grief and aspects of healing after all kinds of loss so that you can help others to reconnect to the gift of life. 

We will continue to meet for a monthly follow-up through August 2022. I'll be to support you every step of the way.

Prerequisite Any 200-hour yoga teacher certification



It's my intention for you to be supported and empowered on your journey to guide others through grief and loss using these techniques. If for any reason this training is not right for you, let me know in the first 14-days and I'll issue you a prompt refund no questions asked.